Friday, November 30, 2012

Work Table Wednesday....

..........oops!!! Yes I know it is Friday and I so missed Wednesday with this post.  I did make this bracelet on Wednesday though so doesn't that count?  The week just got away from me some how.  I don't even have a clue where it went.  I have had this idea for a while though sort of a friendship bracelet kind of thing with my flower beads. Kind of on the order of some of the pieces in Bohemian-Inspired Jewelry by Erin Siegel, and Lorelei Eurto.  Very retro 60's.  Of course I had to through in a couple of my new leaf beads. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tanya, I am in love with your beads!! I saw your little ad on Emma's Polimer Penchant blog and just looked through your entire Etsy site...added some things to my cart for my "things I need for Christmas" list too!