Sunday, January 20, 2013

No fear Doodles

 This last Friday's post for the Fearless Friday group was about being afraid to ruin your art work.  I have to admit I hate to waste glass when I am making beads but if a bead goes south so to speak I rarely put it in the dunk can, because I just turn it into something else (with hot glass you really can't set it aside and come back to it later).  Even if I just add lots of stringer and make it a mix of colors I usually can make a pretty decent bead.  Only if I break the bead release do I have to abandon it.
When it comes to drawing though I am a lot less comfortable.  So this weekend I have been making fearless doodles with a permanent marker on book pages.  I have been wanting to try this ever since I saw this pin on Pinterest.  I have made probably 30 pages in just a couple of hours and then I went ahead and painted them with watercolor.  There wasn't a single one I trashed.  Some of them please me more than others but all of them are fun and bright.  I also played fast and furious with the watercolor to find out things that I liked and didn't and I have found I like it when you use lots of water and it bleeds and puddles.  Might not be what someone else would like but I do. 

There was only one problem with the drawings and that was that I had gotten a book at the library sale to tear apart and paint on and when my hubby came home and saw what it was he was really sad I had torn it up because it was on South Dakota soil conservation and his office only has one copy of the book and they had been looking everywhere for other copies.  I did get to tell him that the library had one more copy and he ran right out and bought that one to take to work. 


Monique (A Half-Baked Notion) said...

I'm one of those people who are "fearful" and choose to do nothing rather than fail! I find the recycling aspect of your painting intriguing (though I admit I had a lump in my throat when I read about your husband's disappointment. Glad he found another... whew!)

TanyaMcGuire said...

Hi you should hop over to Krystal's sight and join in on Fearless Friday's then just jump in with both feet. The worst thing about knowing hubby wanted that book was that I know they had been there for well over a year I was surprised they had not just been thrown out.