Friday, November 30, 2012

Work Table Wednesday....

..........oops!!! Yes I know it is Friday and I so missed Wednesday with this post.  I did make this bracelet on Wednesday though so doesn't that count?  The week just got away from me some how.  I don't even have a clue where it went.  I have had this idea for a while though sort of a friendship bracelet kind of thing with my flower beads. Kind of on the order of some of the pieces in Bohemian-Inspired Jewelry by Erin Siegel, and Lorelei Eurto.  Very retro 60's.  Of course I had to through in a couple of my new leaf beads. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Last week I started a junk journal that I want to use as an inspiration journal and put all those things that inspire me in it.  But I was thinking about all the times I have tried to write a journal and have gotten a couple of months into it and just stopped.  Words aren't really something I am good at.  But I have always wanted to write about my days and thoughts.  I was on line again and ran into some info about Project Life and while I like the idea of recording every day events I don't like the plastic pages and preset size for things.  I decided I would try out an art journal type book.
I also found that using the catalog that was already bound was harder so my plan for this book is to use a standard page size and put it in a 3 ring binder.  I am still working on the Inspiration Journal and may see if I can take it apart to work on the pages and put it back together as I go.  These background pages were lots of fun to make I used whole page photos and  collage, then stitched them round and round with the sewing machine.  I was having a blast and lost two hours because I was so into what I was doing.  I also realized that I do not like the feel of the gesso after it dries so I have got to find some Gel Medium.  Once again something you can't buy in Huron.
I also keep finding little things in the junk mail that are just begging to be turned into an art journal.  This is a little advertising booklet from Hilton and it's envelope that I think will become part of a page where the envelope is there to hold it's own little book.  Just what I am going to put into it I am not sure yet. 

Friday, November 23, 2012


 leaves, leaves,
 leaves, and more
leaves.  I can not stop making leaves for some reason.  I have been having so much fun making leaves but I need to make some other beads and soon.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Work table Wednesday

 Wow more than a week since my last post.  Not doing too well on that goal for this month, and I got off to such a great start.  I'm here now though with a little bit of what is on my table today.  I have loved LavenderField on Etsy for a long time and just love her use of fiber in her jewelry.  From what I can see she uses these great little fiber pieces that are like disks.  I of course think my beads need to be in there with the fiber.  So I decided to crochet a bunch of little circles like you can see in the above picture.
 Then I strung them with some of my beads.  I like the look of it but of course don't have enough beads and will have to make some more before I can finish the piece.  I also need to learn some tension control as my disks are sure not a pretty as hers. 
I also finished up a few row counter bracelets that I have been making beads for.  I know it is November but spring and shows will be here in a big hurry.

I hope that everyone has a fabulous holiday tomorrow.   Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy family, fun, and food.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Junk Journal Adventure

Recently I saw something on line about a Smash Book and being the recluse I am here in the wilderness :-) I had no real clue what they were talking about so I started looking around the Internet.  Ha should have known an Art Journal with a fancy name, or a plane ole fashion scrap book.  I also found references to Junk Journals.  Ah Art Journals made from repurposed materials.  Since I have had it on my goals list to work more with the things I have and to be creative in ways other than beads I decided that I would just make myself a Junk Journal as an Inspiration Journal.  A place to put all those little pieces of things I had cut out of magazines and the colors that seem to be drawing me lately.  I started with a 2 year old catalog. (Why did I still have that I do not know)

 Then I got out a package of paper that my sister gave me probably 20 years ago and I just love all the pretty edges and never found just the right use for them. 
 On some of the pages I glued in some of the papers.  Just as backgrounds to start with.
On some of the pages I painted Gesso.  That was honestly really fun  and very relaxing.  I needed to cover the color and the type.  I have to actually add another coat of the Gesso when I want to paint on the page as things still show through.
 Some of the pages I am doing some water color backgrounds to start.  Frankly I have only even worked on the first section of the catalog so there will be lots of room for lots more playing around.
 On some of the pages I have started gluing in things I have clipped out of different books.  Just things I like that I want to work into the background for other ideas.  I did do an entire page of a collage that I used pieces where I had kept them because of the color combinations.  I really don't like it as the colors all blend together so they wont really inspire me for other things.  I will just use the page for a background and I have another idea for a way to put in my color combos where I will be able to use and see them better.
So while I have not finished a single page I have lots started and I have been having lots of fun the last few days.  I also found this really fun blog and she is having a great give a way. So if you are interested in Art Journals check out Gathering Up Bits of the World and sign up for her give a way.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Work Table Wednesday

 WOW!!!!! Work table Wednesday was a lot of work.  I finally managed to clean up the mess which you can see here.  Yes there are a few bowls of stuff to either put away or finish but at least I have a few more inches of space to work.
The table did not stay that clean for long as I started working on Stitch markers.  I made several sets and my fingers and hands are worn out.  Tomorrow I get to put them all on cards.  I love that part.

Monday, November 05, 2012


 I know it is not fall any more.  At least not here in South Dakota, but I missed it.  I was in Florida for most of September and the beginning of October.  The fall season had not started there when I left and by the time I got home all our leaves were gone. 
 The changing of the leaves is probably one of my favorite things all year.  And while we don't have many trees there are a few and at least they turn yellow gold. 
Any way the other day I decided I wanted to make some nice fall leaves to make if feel less like I missed it so totally.  These two sets are headed for Etsy in the next day or so and there are maybe a couple more sets in the kiln. 

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Ears to You Blog Hop Reveal

 I love making earrings and should have had time to make way more than the 5 pair I was supposed to make for the Blog Hop.  But life seems to be getting in the way of my fun lately.  Have no clue why but it has.
 So yesterday I set down to make at least the ones I promised to make and these are the results.  If you haven't been reading along the earrings are going to be donated to Ears to You.  This was the great idea of Amy Freeland at Copper Diem.
 I am thinking that I can find a few more pairs in my show cases to add to the box before they head out on Monday.
I you want to see lots more fun and funky earrings here is the participant list so you can hop along on your merry way.

Ears to You Blog Hop Participants

Copper Diem
My Addictions
Beads, Tea and Sweets
Juls Beads
Fabric of my Life
Blogging Business Artisans
Jeannie's Blog
Lorelei's Blog
One Kiss Creations
Backstory Beads
According to Katie
Cherish Designs
Beads: Rolling Downhill
Falling Into The Sky
Garden Path Beads
Antiquity Travelers
Sissy and Jacks
Erin Siegel Jewelry/Art Bead Scene
Northwood Creative Studio
SilverRose Designs
Dreamin of Beads/SAS Jewelry Design
Cabe Woman
Summers Studio
Honey from the Bee
Shaiha's Ramblings
Mama's Got to Doodle
Beads for Busy Gals
Tanya McGuire
Creative Atelier

Thursday, November 01, 2012


A couple of weeks ago I talked about the difference between Goals and a Bucket List.  (you can read about that here)  I said I wanted to create an on line list of each so it would help me to be accountable and to actually work toward things on each of the lists.  So this is my goal list and a few of the ideas of how I plan to accomplish them.

Blog at least 3 times per week
                 OCT - didn't really manage it but did get about 2 posts per week
                 NOV - I really thought I had done better but once again it was only about 2 posts per week.
                 DEC - not so good had a few weeks where I did 2 posts but then the holiday just got to me.
Double my Etsy sales over last year
        - start listing jewelry and more sets and focals
        - be more active in social media
                  - Try to play in a blog hop each month
        - blog more
Have a cleaner neater house
        - organize
                  NOV - make sure the kitchen table is cleaned off every night(did pretty well was able
                  to eat on the table every morning at least.
                   DEC - ha lost the table again
Fill my bead trays by February
Loose weight
         - exercise more
         - eat less (these are kind of a no brainer)
Save more for retirement
          - make more
          - spend less
                  - use the supplies I have rather than buying more and different ones
Accomplish more in a day
          - waste less time
                  NOV - do not turn on the TV during breakfast and lunch (did really well with this only    
                  a  few bad days)
                   DEC - spent way too much time on the computer.
           - organize
           - plan
Learn to bead embroider
           - finish my button a month challenge
 Donate more to charity
           - Halos for Hope
                       - make 52 hats by next August
                             - OCT have 13 done
                             - NOV finished 11 for a total of 24
                             - DEC finished 3 for a total of 27
           - Art in the Bag
                        - OCT finished one bag for this year
           - Beads of Courage
           - Ears to You
                          - NOV sent 5 pair of earrings
Be published
           - find out how
           - make items
           - submit
Get my to do list down to one page
Lighten my load of physical stuff
            - try to go through one closet, drawer, or area a week
Take a real vacation every year if even just for a few days
Make more time to read
               NOV - 5 books
               DEC - 1 book and had trouble getting through it.

I plan to update the list and show my progress here as the months go by.

On another note Work table Wednesday was a busy one but I am working on something I can not show you until this weekend and the Ears to you Hop.