Well I finally decided the other day to move the studio from the barn back into the house. I got so tired of
traipsing out there in the snow and ice and running the furnace and
air conditioner to heat and cool a building I was only in a few hours of the day. Besides I hated going out there at night. (Yes I am afraid of the dark.) And it was lonely. So since this room in our basement was empty and sits right beside my sewing room I decided finally to use it.

It is way smaller than the room in the barn but it will be way more cozy. It is about 10 x 14 and narrows to about 8 foot wide. I did
just find a problem in the plan today when I realized one of my tables will not fit as it is almost 9 feet across. No big deal we will either cut it down or use something else.

Jeff started this morning patching the cracks in the concrete and they have been working all afternoon to run a new electrical line so I will be on my own
circuit and have plenty of juice. The cracks will have to dry but I think when I paint the floor it will look kind of like large patio rock if not no biggie. I am going to paint the walls too I
just could not handle that day
glow blue.