We are home from the weekend in Aberdeen and I thought I would show you what my booth looked like. That is me being really lazy in the back waiting for the show to actually open as we got to the park early Saturday morning and I was resting before getting busy. It was a good thing that we got a few pictures Saturday because Sunday it rained all day. I wore my shorts and was so sorry I had not put on long pants. I was freezing, even my always too warm hubby had a piece of fabric over him. I spent most of the day wrapped in a sheet. Never knew I needed a coat in the middle of June.
Of course today it is back to being extremely hot and our air conditioner gave up the
ghost last week.
Luckily since the house has only gotten up to 85 the guys are here to put in the new unit as I write this.

The Citrus Collection was a total hit everyone seemed to notice it and made comments. I sold several pieces of it too which is always a good thing.

The Classic Movie Collection did not draw as many comments but people seemed to like it. I am not sure but I think it is more because the colors don't just reach out and grab you like the citrus colors.